The PC's:
- AJ: Harbull Junior, a Halfling Prowler training to become a Thief.
- Alan: Ron "Foul" Guttermann, a human who is a rat catcher by trade, and has a small but vicious dog named Dog.
- Ali: Aeslor Arha, a Wood Elf who is a Wizard's Apprentice.
- Cassandra: Fayth, a Human Initiate of Shallya who is fed up of religion.
- Daniel: Grimmick Grimjaw, a Dwarf who is a Student Engineer.
- Peter: Iva Getyouoff, a Human Lawyer, who now owns property in Bögenhafen so is staying there.
- Richard: Nobber "Nobby" Hudson, a human who was a Watch Recruit who wants to be an adventurer
Playing today were Grimmick, Aeslor, Fayth and Ron.
The game was picked up where we left off, with the characters in Josef's boat in Bögenhafen, which they have just saved from becoming a portal to the realm of Chaos, but instead of being heroes, they wanted for murder, and they know that the authorities in this town are never going to believe their own story.
At this point in the game, the calendar becomes important, so I will update that first: Yellow highlight shows where we currently are from the start date of the campaign.
Ima Gettyouoff, the party lawyer, decides to stay on in Bögenhafen and use his charm to try and smooth things over. After all, he now has property in the town.
The rest of the party sail up to Weissbruck with Josef. Along the way they discover that there is a new law banning the killing of Mutants - people are saying that the Emperor must be a mutant to pass such a ridiculous law.
Along the way, the come across a riverboat adrift. There is no sign of life so Josef steers toward it and it becomes clear that it has been attacked by mutants, who are still aboard. The party kills these mutants and there is only one survivor of the original crew left - the cook. The owners of the boat have been killed.
Josef explains that the salvage laws are that they can apply to have the boat officially registered to themselves at the next town, and that will include the cargo - several crates of wool - which can be traded. Josef trains the PC Ron in boat handling and explains how trading works.
Once in Weissbruck, the party have a few different things they want to do. First off is saying their goodbyes to Josef, who is loading a new cargo and returning to Bögenhafen.
Ron registers the boat, so it is now officially theirs. He also hires the cook to stay on with them for 1GC a week. The cooks name is Renate Hauser.
he then sells the cargo of wool any buys a new cargo of fine brandy (and a case of shit brandy in case the Dwarf gets thirsty) and, along with the Dwarf, encounters a couple of strange men. One carries on with a normal sales pitch, the other scratches the right-hand side of his nose with the little finger of his left hand while inserting the thumb of his right hand into his right ear, palm to the front and the fingers fully extended.
They ask what the PC's have done with Kastor, then try to shake hands, which the PC's refuse, so one slaps Ron on the back leaving a purple hand print, before they disappear into the crowd. The two PC's try to follow them, and despite passing their tracking rolls, lose them. Ron washes off the ink stain and returns to the boat.
Meanwhile, Fayth and Aestor head off to the home of a friend of Fayth's - Elvyra, a pharmacist who has offered to teach Fayth herbalism and who can put her on the path to learning magic. Fayth knows her from her convent days, but Fayth is fed up with religion!
Arriving at Elvyra's house, though, finds it ransacked and Elvyra missing! Windows are smashed, herbs and potions robbed, and they find a note in the mess:
Hearing noises from the cellar, they discover a little 10 year old girl hiding - Elvira's niece Liza. She says that some men had called round a couple of nights ago and had argued with Auntie Elvira. The next day, Auntie Elvira had caught Liza 'playing with her pretty coloured powders' and drinking her booze, and had grounded her in the cellar.
Auntie Elvira had told Lisa she was not allowed to go to the Happy Man Inn. Later that day the bad men had come back and taken Auntie Elvira with them, while Liza hid in the cellar. Fayth decided to take Liza back to their boat.
When all the party were back together, and Fayth had explained what was going on, (and Liza was eyeing up the cargo of brandy), they all went to the Happy Man and eventually got directions to the Red Barn, which is where we will pick up next week.