Monday, 28 December 2020

20th and 26th December 2020

The PC's decided to sail down to Grissenwald and Black Peaks to follow up Etelka Herzen, who they had found a letter from which indicated she had helped the Nobles in Bohennhaffen with the summoning ritual.  Along the way, Ron wanted to try and sell some brandy to Castle Reikguard.  Arriving there, they were turned away.  The castle’s battlements are thick with guards in shining plate armour, and cannon barrels could be seen poking through the crenels.  

They sailed on towards Kemperbad, and sold the brandy there and bought some armanents.  In Kemperbad, someone dressed in purple managed to cut of a chunk of Grimick's hair and escape into the crowds.

They picked up some rumours and did some shopping before setting sail for Grissenwald.  They now have fishing nets!

Rumours Heard

  • People are whispering, with many a nervous glance, that something bad has happened to the Emperor. He hasn’t been seen for a long time now. Perhaps too long… 
  • Crown Prince Wolfgang has not left Castle Reikguard for weeks. He must have the same affliction as the Emperor?
  • Crown Prince Wolfgang has not left Castle Reikguard for weeks! He must be plotting to seize the throne! 
  • The Emperor’s mutant edict is suspicious. Why does he love mutants all of a sudden? Has someone close to him developed a mutation? 
  • The Grand Prince of Ostland is hiring mercenaries and levying troops for an attack on Talabecland. War could break out at any time.
  • Mutant corpses are regularly found drifting down the Reik just south of Kemperbad. ‘Only the other week we pulled one out of the river with bright green fur, and four eyes on stalks.’
  • River patrols have been recruiting wardens in all the towns between Altdorf and Nuln. Banditry and mutant attacks are threatening trade and the authorities have decided to act at last. Good thing too!
On the journey they passed Castle Wittgenstein, which broods ominously over the river.  As the adventurers’ boat passes beneath the castle’s gloomy towers, the adventurers are hailed by a passing vessel. Its crew warn the adventurers to keep to the east bank, and direct their attention to something floating in the water.

Once human, the floating corpse now resembles a bloated fish.  The party steered around it and continued their journey.

Finally arriving at Grissenwald, where they were unable to sell their cargo of arnaments, they were approached by two drunken dwarves who kept insulting Aeslor, calling him a "dead elf" because he "stank like one".  They seemed to have a lot of money as they slammed 10 GC each on the bar for whisky and were downing whole bottles.  

It seemed that the Dwarves were from Black Peaks mine, which had been bought up by a noblewoman.  Investigating, it seems that the tribe of dwarves had sold their gold mine (which turned out to only be a dilapidated old coal mine) to "That Etelka bitch who gave us a crappy price".  Investigating the mine, there was plenty of evidence that is had been overtaken by goblins, but the mine was empty.  The Dwarves have been accused of raiding farmsteads ("how else did they suddenly get all this money?") but all the evidence points to a band of gobling being the real culprits.  The Dwarves, though, are cowards and drunkards and refuse to go after the gobboes or even into the mine.  They do eventually reluctantly agree to give the adventurers directions to Elelka's house, though.  This is where we ended the session...

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