Monday, 6 August 2012

Session Two

 5th August 2012
 New PC:
Cassie: Grondi, a Dwarf - (troll-slayer, no less, and female.

Returning to report on what they had found from Osric, Willhelm Schmidt has a surprise in the shape of a female Dwarven Troll Slayer, also a prisoner arrested after pouring a pint of ale over the heads of two certain Nobles in a bar... she is to join the team!

They travel together through the Marshes to find the Swampers and hire a boat to take them to the ruined Temple.  The boatman they hire is an annoying little git, way too happy about absolutely everything ('Wow! We were so lucky to be attacked by a giant snake because now we have lots of food!') but he did get the job done and he did help out in fights.  The trip did involve a couple of fights - one with a living tree, one with said giant snake - but they arrived at the temple easily enough and found three people there - all Mutants.

Two of these were killed (not before the Elf fell into a pit of water they were using as a toilet and catching the Bloody Flux...) but one - a priest with the head of a shark, who kept asking them to praise Lord Stromfels - they kept alive to answer questions...

A boy was born to one of the Cult members seven years ago and was in the process of being baptised in their sacred pool (which bestows blessings in the form of mutations on all those who enter it...) when Witch Hunters attacked them, killing most of the Cult members and taking the Child with them.

Recently, a man named Jurgen Baer has been searching for a boy with powers like their lost child possessed.  The cult has found out that Baer is known to frequent a Tavern named The Jolly Boatman in the Doodkanaal District of Marienburg.

The team went to find Baer, eventually finding he had been killed by a gang of criminals known as The Hounds who ran a gambling racket from a bar named the Hounds Den.  They soon find the Hounds often kill people to take their purses to use in gambling games - two Gold Crowns against the unopened Purse.

The team did win the Purse in the end, after spending a few Gold Crowns...

Insde was a small amount of money, and what appeared to be a map...

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