The Thousand Thrones
Chapter 1
Session 1
The PC's
Big Al - Konrad, a human.
Little Al - Rolf, a halfling. (Son of Harbull Furfoot from previous campaigns...)
Daniel - Mormocar, an Elf, and an Apprentice Wizard. The only one in the party who can read...
Sunday 29th July 2012
Two adventurers - a Human and a Halfling, were sat alone in the Winking Skaven pub in Marienburg when in walked an Elf...
Things were going sort of well, they had met some of the local police (Black Hats) who came in for a few lunchtime ales, and had booked rooms at the inn, when two Nobles walked in and basically picked a fight (when the PC's wouldn't accept several Gin n Tonics and unlimited rudeness from them), which our intrepid Adventurers won when Alan's character (haven't written down any names as yet...) cut one of the posh gits belt off, making his pants fall down when challenged to a Fencing Duel.
Naturally, the PC's were arrested!
Two years, they were given. Two years! This was almost as harsh a sentence as when this lot play Judge Dredd.
Anyway, they were freed by a bloke named Wilhelm Schmidt, who works for the Empire's Embassy in Marienburg, (in the office next door to two certain Nobles, no less, who had been bragging about how they had bribed the Magistrate to lock up a gang of ruffians who had tried to murder them in a pub last night...) he tells them he can have them released provided they look into the matter of this so called Son of Sigmar who has just shown up...
They discovered that a seven year old boy named Karl had killed a couple of mutants who had tried to kidnap him fom the Shallyan Orphanage - he bore a mark of a twin-tailed comet on his chest and wielded a Hammer... he had been proclaimed 'Son of Sigmar' and half the City has gone off with him to Altdorf to claim the Throne of the Empire...
But is he all he seems? Evidence points to a strange ability he has to make everyone love him - certainly the Sisters at the Orphanage were a little too besotted - but all the kids there couldn't stand him.
One of the Sisters, having fallen in love with the Elf PC (after he rolled a Fel of 01 trying to charm her) flirted outrageously and kept feeling his arse - he later discovered a note in his back pocket...
The original Abess, now arrested and chained up as a Witch (the other Sisters had finally reported her as a Witch - she had told them seven years ago to hand the baby over to the Witch Hunters as he was using some kind of mutant power to charm them - but they had clearly kept him hidden all these years and when he reappeared and was declared Son of Sigmar, they had reported her), told the Party the story of how the boy came to the orphanage - a Witch Hunter named Osric Falkenheim had left hime there - they needed to speak to him!
Stopping off briefly at the Embassy to call in on two Nobles, who clearly hold some sway with the courts, and telling them they had better ensure that the old Abess is not executed for a couple of years max, and that she should be locked up in the temple and not in a cage outside it - they tracked Osric down to a brothel / drug den called the Golden Lotus.
He had been beaten near to death by devotees of the Child when trying to claim him as a Mutant, and is now a broken man only interested in being miserable and smoking weed - the PC's tried hard to gee him up, eventually getting the story of how he had originally found the Child:
Seven years ago, acting on reports of strange goings on at the Temple by the Swampers who worked the area Marshes to the North of Marienburg, Osric and a group of Witch Hunters stormed a ruined old Temple, slaying several Chaos Cultists who they thought were about to sacrifice a human baby to some foul Chaos God by drowning it in a small pool on the floor of the Temple.
They rescued the baby, and took it to the Orphanage in the City.
Funny thing was, when it came time to hand the baby over, it was difficult - but Osric shook off the feeling and handed him over.
He did not see the boy again until just a couple of weeks ago - when a crowd was delaring him Son of Sigmar - the Witch Hunters had heard of this crowd gatheriing and had decided to check it out - Osric recognised the boy despite not having seen him since he was a baby! He clearly has some kind of evil mutant power to draw people to him... the crowd, however, slightly disagreed with Osric's opinion and suggestions to destroy the evil mutant, and insted kicked crap out of him!
The only clue they have is the Temple somewhere in the Swamps north of the City - and the fact there are Swampers who know the area...
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