Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Session Thirteen

Sunday, 4th November 2012
Wedding Bells in Sylvania

The journey between Siegfriedhof and Helfurt tooks 2 days by the main road, skirting the southern edge of Hunger Wood.  The Tunelway Coachmen refused to take them into Sylvania, so as the PCs were travelling without escorts they were attacked by Wraiths, Ogres and Giant Bats soon after departing Siegfriedhof.

This took Fate Points and left them heavily wounded.

They arrived in Helfurt, and stayed at the Hotel Mistgarten.

Mistgarten is operated by a cranky innkeeper called Bärzil and his nagging wife Prunehilda, and a waiter named Manuel, who was from Estalia.  Bärzil is a toad-like snob with a pathological desire to please anyone he thinks is a Noble, so Sir Ralf was welcomed as soon as he knew he was a Sir.. Bärzil generally believes no customers of Mistgarten are actually worthy to stay there. Prunehilda is quite the opposite, and she is grateful when rare guests happen by. Bärzil and Prunehilda bicker constantly, bully Manuel, and generally make lives a misery for their guests...

Bärzil is stressed, but also pleased, because Mistgarten has the job of providing food for a wedding at Helfurt Hall tomorrow - Lady Lydia Plicticos is marrying a boy who was brought in by the Strigany's who are camped at the edge of Town...

They went over to the Camp and spoke to Mama Raluca, leader of the Rumanyik Strigany Clan.  
When they describe Karl to her, she says no - the boy they have brought to marry Lydia is Ahmed... who they have brought from Marienburg...

Lydia refuses to see the PC's , so they wait till the next day and while she is getting married to Karl at Helfurt Hall, they search her castle for clues as to her being a vampire - and find plenty.

Most notably, in a secret room off Lydia's bedroom, they find Rows of bookshelves line the walls, and the desk is piled high with scrolls and ingredients. Wires dangle from the ceiling.

The following items were found here:
  • One of the Nine Books of Nagash. Written in High Nehekharan.  Lydia has underlined encrypted words throughout, and the last page is annotated in Reikspiel. 

Lydia’s translations provide clues about the words encrypted on the triptych panels.

  • The two missing Zandri Scrolls and Lydia’s translation notes. 

Together with the Book of Nagash, and the Code of Nines handout they have, these notes give the PCs enough information to unlock the words on the triptych. 
  • Assorted stone tablets from Mistgarten, many of which are cracked or pieced together from fragments. The runes resemble those found at the Styrigen Mound near Siegfriedhof.
  • Ancient hieroglyphic tablets , in surprisingly good condition. The hieroglyphs are in High Nehekharan.
  • The Sigmar panel of Lanfranchi’s triptych.
 There are portraits of various Von Carstein vampires lining the walls, and there is a clear family resemblance with Lydia.

The PC's hurry back to Helfurt Hall and immediately attack Lydia, who, after a couple of hits turns into a bat and flies away.  The boy she is marrying is Ahmed from the Crusade camp...

Just then, though, some Raven Knights and Black Nights from the Abbey at Siegfriedhoff arrive, demanding the PC's step aside and allow them to kill Ahmed, a foul scion of Nagash. 

Ahmed hides behing Mormocar begging the PC's to save him, but Konrad chops off Ahmed's head.

The Black Knights / Raven guards continue to insult the PC's and accuse them of being in league with Vampires... so Konrad and the PC's kill their leader and a couple of Knights before the rest retreat - leaving the PC's to figure out the clues they have and figure out where to go next...

End of Session.


  1. Hello,

    My name is Alejandro. I'm translating the thousand thrones campaign into Spanish (and took half a book) but in the pdf that I have some things that are so blurry that are unintelligible. If I put some of the things that are unintelligible, would you be so kind as to tell me exactly the missing words? I would be very grateful.


  2. Not a problem - which parts?

  3. Thank you.

    You see it's true, here's the link to what I have so far: http://www.sukama.com/descargas/LMTI-IV.zip

    The parts for now are:
    Page 71: The Encampment
    The camp is XXXXX crowded place. There are Crusades cooking, eating, washing up, as well as performing religiuos XXX ceremonies, doing laundray, XXX XXX XXXX trying to sleep, preaching, talking about the Child XXXX welcoming new converts into the fold, and so on.

    Pagin 97: Mysterious Benefactors
    "There they are. They are the cursed zealots who would not let us put out the fire! XXXX XXX XXX You robbed"

    Page 125: Trappings
    Tobias gren wears filthy robes XXX XX XXX. A XXX amulet of Nurgle hangs About his neck. XXX vomit? His mouth?


    Just one more thing. There is an expression that I can not translate and nobody can help me, on page 33, a Mutant says: "We want no trouble guv'nuh." What does guv'huh? Do you could write "well" or otherwise?


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm SOrry, translator fail me:

      Págin 97: Mysterious Benefactors
      "There they are. They are the cursed zealots who wouldn't let us put out the fire! You robbed XXX XXXX XXX"

      Pág 125: Trappings
      Tobias wears filthy gren robes XXX XX XXX. A XXX amulet of Nurgle hangs about his neck. Vomite XXX his ¿mouth?

  4. OK...

    P 71
    The Encampment
    This is the PCs’ first direct contact with the Crusade of the Child, and it should be a bit overwhelming. The camp is a crowded, filthy, busy, bizarre place. There are Crusaders cooking, eating, washing up, as well as praying, performing religious ceremonies, doing laundry, grooming each other,
    trying to sleep, preaching, talking about The Child, arguing doctrine, welcoming new converts into the fold, and so on.

    P 97
    Mysterious Benefactors
    “There they are! Those are the cursed zealots who wouldn’t let us put out the fire! You robbed us of our homes!”

    P 125
    Tobias wears filthy green robes trimmed in ochre. A putrid amulet of Nurgle hangs about his neck. Vomit crusts his mouth.

    "We want no trouble guv'nuh." - "guv'nuh" is just slang - it means, 'We want no trouble, mister" - Guv'nuh meaning "Governor" in this context just means "mister" or "sir" - I can't think of a better explanation or a Spanish equivalent so I hope that makes sense!

  5. Thank you very much!

    guv'nuh = Governor??? Guv'nh Fucking! In Spanish does well "Señor"
    It would have been impossible to translate that without your help.

    You've earned a place in the acknowledgments.
