Sunday 18th and Sunday 25th November 2012
These two sessions were just the party getting to Kislev, and travelling North after the Crusade (they got into a lot of fights along the way, notable with a witch and a vampire, and they kept seeing a giant black dog covered in ice in the distance which would howl at them then run North. they later found this dog was named Black Ice, and he belongs to the Black Witch who lives in the mountains to the North.
They finally found the remains of the Crusade in a town called Zhidovsk, which was full of disease and vampires - the old leaders of the Crusade were all gone - dead of disease - so they asked after Karl and found he had gone to the mountains in the North to 'look for his mother' - at the Crags of Shargun, and so they didn't stay in town for more than five minutes.
Eventually, the PCs come to a place where the ground rises sharply. Huge rocks stained with droppings and smeared with moss jut out of the loose soil. The Crags rise above the characters, and travelling much further is impossible without climbing. A few steps later, the characters find a large pond covered by a skin of green algae and speckled with dead flies. The skin is broken in places to reveal black waters beneath. Of far more interest, at least for now, is a dark cleft in the face of the rocks of the Crags that rise up on the other side. Tied off there, the PCs clearly see a small boat.
The party had been beaten there by the remnants of Lorianoc's Elven Kithband
Warriors. The party killed them and were left alone with a pool covered in slime, a boat, and a cave.
Searching the cave turns up nothing, aside from a pile of old bones and an impressive cave painting that stands at least seven feet tall. Painted in charcoal and smeared with blood, it depicts a shadowy woman with a pale face and black eyes. Konrad touched the painting and found his fingertips covered in black dust that won’t come off.
This is what the crags and pool look like.
This is where we left them...
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